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Service - Sunday 16th August, 10am

Sun, 16 Aug


St Mary's Hitcham

To ensure social distancing, booking for this service is essential. Booking opens Sunday 9th August.

Registration opens Sunday 9th August at 10am and closes Wednesday 12th August
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Service - Sunday 16th August, 10am
Service - Sunday 16th August, 10am

Time & Location

16 Aug 2020, 10:00

St Mary's Hitcham, Hitcham Ln, Burnham, Slough SL1 7DP, UK

About the Event


When booking you must only book ONE 'Primary Adult' ticket, you can then add up to four 'Additional Family Members.' These must be people in your household.

If you are no longer able to attend the service, please let us know as soon as possible by emailing us at, so we can offer your place to someone else.

For the purposes of 'Track & Trace', and in the interest of fairness, please do not give your place to anyone else.

You must follow all social distancing guidelines and measures we have put in place to protect you and others.

  • Only come if you, and those you have been in contact with, are well.
  • Do ensure you maintain a 2m distance to anyone not in your household.
  • Please remember the toilet will not be open.
  • Follwing government advice, face coverings must be worn unless you have an exemption.
  • Use the hand gel provided when you enter the church.
  • A one way system is in place. You must enter through the main church door and exit through the parish room. Alternative arrangments are in place for those with mobility issues, please ask for assistance.
  • Please ensure you maintain 2m distance, unless in the same family.

Please note, this service will be recorded/streamed.


  • Primary Adult

    Sale ended
  • Additional Family Member

    Sale ended



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