Growing in the Love of Christ
Sunday 6th October 2024
9am Contemporary Sunday Service
11am Traditional Sunday Service
John 1:1 - 14
Isaiah 9:1 - 7
Any issues, please contact the wardens: Chris Berry on 07933344169; Carol Bader
Alternatively, you can contact Jo Trobridge on 01628 604069 or email
For general enquiries, visit our website at or email
Back in Time
We are pleased to introduce a Back in Time feature. From a large black box we have found a variety of old documents ranging from 1972 all the way back to 1559 - yes that’s 1559 ! Those very old ones are from a small red book, a copy of ‘The Marriage Register 1559 - 1812.’ Other documents include ‘St Mary’s Quarterly Papers’, ‘Parish Magazines’, an ‘Inventory and Terrier 1936’, a ‘Church Ledger 1911’, ’Ye Ould Storie of Hitcham The little Grey Church on the Windy Hill 1926’ plus some end of year accounts.
We hope you enjoy them
Chris and Angela
From Church Ledger. 1910 - 1913. Part 3:
April 1911 - Mrs XXXX, Marsh Lane, Taplow. Married woman family of three girls from eleven months up to 12 years. In full work at Paper Mill 21s per week. Eldest girl very weak after measles.
Granted 1pt milk daily for one week.
May 1913 - William XXXX, Marsh Lane, Taplow. Single man age 30 years earns a very precarious living in connection with a sweet shop. Applicant is crippled in one arm and has a club foot. Though living from hand to mouth is thoroughly honest, over and respectable and well worthy of help. Assistance asked is coal.
Granted 1 cwt coal weekly.
Sunday 6th October - Sunday Service 9am & 11am
Wednesday 9th October - Traditional Eucharist Service 10.30am
Sunday 13th October - Sunday Service 9am & 11am
Wednesday 16th October - Traditional Eucharist Service 10.30am
Sunday 20th October - Sunday Service 9am & 11am
Wednesday 23rd October - Traditional Eucharist Service 10.30am
Sunday 27th October - Sunday Service 9am & 11am
Wednesday 30th October - Traditional Eucharist Service 10.30am
Sunday 3rd November - Sunday Service 9am & 11am
Wednesday 6th November - Traditional Eucharist Service 10.30am
Sunday 10th November - Remembrance Sunday Service 9am & 10.45am
Wednesday 13th November - Traditional Eucharist Service 10.30am
Sunday 17th November - Sunday Service 9am & 11am
Wednesday 20th November - Traditional Eucharist Service 10.30am
Sunday 24th November - Sunday Service 9am & 11am