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Everything we do at St Mary's Hitcham is made possible by your generous giving. Thank you.

Giving Online

You can make a one off donation, using a credit or debit card, online by clicking the button below.

Giving Regularly

We are members of the Parish Giving Scheme, and encourage all members of our congregation to give using the scheme. If you already give by standing order, we ask that you consider moving to the Parish Giving Scheme as it significantly reduces the amount of administration and, if eligible, automatically collects gift aid. You can find out more about the scheme here.


To give regularly via the Parish Giving Scheme, you will need to complete a form available at the church or you can register by calling:


0333 002 1271


You will need to have your bank account details to hand and the following details:


Church/Parish of: St Mary

PGS Parish Code: 270627663

Village: Hitcham

In the diocese of Oxford


You can also set up a standing order, or make a one of payment, using these details:



Sort Code: 20-78-58  

Account Number: 70725498

Quote reference as: your first name and surname


Once you have set up or amended your standing order, please contact us so we can identify your gift and thank you.


If you do wish to create a Standing Order, please consider giving through the Parish Giving Scheme instead. 


Giving at Church

We hold a collection at most of our services where you can give via cash or cheque. You will find blue donation envelopes as you enter the church, please complete one of these if we are able to claim Gift Aid on your donation. If you would like to donate using your credit/debit card, you will also find an electronic donation station at the entrance of the church.


Please make cheques payable to ‘The PCC of Hitcham Parish’ and add it to the collection plate.


Leave a Legacy

If you are considering making a bequest to St Mary's Hitcham, or have already included a gift in your will, and would like to speak to someone about legacy giving, please contact us.

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