Thank you to all who came to the Harvest Service last week and brought offerings for Burnham Care & Share. If you weren't able to attend last week, or would still like to donate any food or toiletry items it's not too late! just bring them to either of the services this week.

Thank you to everyone who came and contributed to our Harvest Festival service and lunch last week - in real St Mary's style we had a fabulous time!.
Huge thanks to the following teams and individuals to make it all happen! For the flower arranging team for the beautifully decorated church
For all the cooks and bakers for the supply of lasagna, salads, breads, apple crumbles, trifle and Phils amazing Bake Off chocolate raspberry cake!
For all who helped set the church up ready for lunch
For the wonderful playing and the joyful singers worshipping with favourite hymns
For the servers, the clearers and the washer uppers and the putting back the church togetherers (is that a word!)
Everything was done with smiles and good cheer. We really are an amazing family .
