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What Is Maundy Thursday?

Maundy Thursday - also called Holy Thursday, is the beginning of the three day celebration of Easter - the most important time in the year for Christians. This period (The Triduum) is one big celebration, remembering the last supper, the crucifixion and the death of Jesus, and the Resurrection to new life.

Maundy Thursday commemorates the Last Supper of Jesus Christ with the Apostles.

The Last Supper

On this day, Christians remember the Last Supper. During the meal Jesus took bread and wine and shared them with his disciples. Christians continue to share bread and wine as part of their worship in church.

The Last Supper was probably a Passover meal – the meal which Jewish people share together to celebrate the time when God delivered Moses and the people from slavery in Egypt.

The night of Maundy Thursday is the night on which Jesus was betrayed by Judas in the Garden of Gethsemane.

What is the origin of the name Maundy?

The name "Maundy" is derived from the Latin word “mandatum”, meaning a commandment. Jesus Christ, at the Last Supper, commanded:

"And now I give you a new commandment: love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another." John 13:34

The washing of feet

During the Last Supper, Jesus washed his disciples' feet. At churches throughout the world we re-enact this by washing feet or hands as a way of realising afresh the sacrifice that Jesus made for us and that we too are his servants and we are called to serve others.

You are warmly invited to our Maundy Thursday service at 7pm 14 th April


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